
Dave Petley 
Vice-President (Innovation)
University of Sheffield

Email: d.n.petley@sheffield.ac.uk


Dave Petley

The North

Dave Petley is the Vice-President (innovation) at the University of Sheffield. A geologist by background, his research career has focused on the management of natural hazards, especially of landslides, and on disaster recovery. His academic work has been focused mainly on Asia, most particularly in Nepal, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Pakistan. In his leadership role, has board level responsibility for knowledge exchange, commercialisation, regional engagement and impact, and he also provides leadership to the Advanced Manufacturing Group. This is one of the largest translational research facilities in the UK, with over 750 staff working in sites in Sheffield, Rotherham, North Wales, Preston and Derby. The three units, the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre and the AMRC Training Centre, provide research, innovation and training to hundreds of companies each year, ranging from major corporations such as Boeing, Airbus, BAe Systems, Siemens and Westinghouse, through to single person enterprises across the UK. The Training Centre provides apprenticeships to about 800 early career workers, teaching them the skills they need to support their employers, who are mainly SMEs.