Janette Town

Director of Roots of Yggdrasil

Janette Town

Janette has a simple premise: Stress is the enemy. Her long career in financial services showed her first-hand the toll that stress takes on our bodies. So she has made it her mission to show others how to shed the stress that causes physical pain in our bodies. A true story of “Experience breeds Education,” Janette works on line with companies and in the homes of her clients to ensure that stress is controlled, clarity of thought is achieved, and our lives are improved when we don’t physically carry the weight of our mental worries.  She has become known as “The Chair Lady” for her unique program that requires just a chair to do every day exercises, to alleviate the stress of life. And every client that has a seat in her “chair” is better off for having met her. Not just in what she teaches, but in the way she touches her clients with her hands-on, nurturing approach to better mental and physical health.