John Cullinane 
Public Policy Director
Chartered Institute of Taxation (‘CIOT’)



John Cullinane


I left Oxford University with a degree in Philosophy and Economics in 1977, to work in the then Department of Employment Group (and was involved in such issues as the legalisation of plastic petrol containers!)

In 1986 I started a career in tax, first at Arthur Andersen and then Deloitte in 2002. I became a partner in 1995. I specialised in financial services, international and corporate tax.

I developed an interest in tax policy, for example advising between 2003 and 2006 on the creation of the Qatar Financial Centre, with lead responsibility for designing the tax system for the Centre. I was President of The Chartered Institute of Taxation in the UK in 2006/2007, heavily involved in tax policy issues and public debate about taxation, giving evidence to the Parliamentary Select Committee on tax issues and contributing to tax journals. From 2009 to 2015 I was head of Deloitte’s Tax Quality and Risk function in the UK.

In 2015 I took on my current role at CIOT. I have overall responsibility for CIOT’s representations to government and policy makers generally about tax policy issues, the oversight of our Low Incomes Tax Reform Group, external relations, professional standards including disciplinary arrangements, and supervision of businesses led by our members for Anti Moneylaundering purposes.