The Right Honourable The Lord McNally PC

The Right Honourable The Lord McNally PC


Tom McNally is a Liberal Democrat Peer who has spent over fifty years working at the highest level in Whitehall and Westminster.

He served as Liberal Democrat Leader in the House of Lords from 2004 to 2013,Deputy Leader of the House of Lords and Minister of State for Justice 2010-13 and Chair of the Youth Justice Board 2014-17.

He was Head of the Political Office in 10 Downing Street under Jim Callaghan 1976-79 and Member of Parliament for Stockport South, 1979-83.

He was appointed a Life Peer in 1995 and became a Privy Councillor in 2005. During the 1980s & 90s he worked as a public affairs adviser with two major PR companies, Hill & Knowlton and Weber Shandwick. He was educated at University College London, where he is an Honorary Fellow and where he received a B.Sc. (econ) in economics and social history in 1966. He serves on the Court of the University of Hertfordshire from where he received an honorary Doctorate in Law in 2010.