Valerie Boggs 
TaxAid and Tax Help for Older People

Valerie Boggs


Valerie took up the role of Chief Executive in November 2019, having spent the previous three years as the Charity’s Advice Director. As CEO she is focussed on enabling the charity to meet its key ambition to ‘Provide tax advice to all who need it.’ In her own words, ‘The need for an emphatic listening ear for the most vulnerable is in great demand not least given HMRCs increasing use of digital channels to process information and deliver services, which often leaves older taxpayers bewildered by the erroneous outcomes this can produce.’ Valerie is therefore committed to ensuring that the unique service that is provided by the charity through the expertise of its staff and volunteers not only thrives but expands. In addition Valerie is keen to work and share knowledge with HMRC and those in the financial services industry who have an obligation to support the more vulnerable in our society while at the same time work with those in the third sector who provide services and support to older people where help is most needed.