Intelligence Forums

Thought Leadership

We aim to connect the North, South and Midlands through thoughtful discourse, debate, a respect for counter views, and informed views on any given topic. Intelligence Forums supports respectful democratic discussion, with consideration for the counter view.

Intelligence Forums does not take sponsorship.

Has no political bias.

Has no bias.

Has no ulterior motives.

Has no hidden agenda.

Has no conflicts of interest.


Our Mission

Intelligence Forums aims to connect the North and South of Britain through a series of talks and forums in Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham, London and Edinburgh; featuring a variety of speakers from the field of Politics, Economics and Business (PEB Initiative).

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Get Involved

For further information, membership enquires and to RSVP please contact:

Harry Corbett, Founder Director

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Our members have a collaborative approach to business and a thirst to acquire innovation.

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We gather a interesting and varied range of members and speakers around the table.